Learn how to outperform the market using this proven risk management strategy

Before investing it always seems like the stock market is about to crash. While it may seem we are at near all time high or due for a market crash, the stock market may continue to go up for several months or years and perhaps never return back to the current levels again.

So, instead of watching the prices go up and missing out on all the gains, in this course you will learn the Risk Management Strategy that will maximize your gains and minimize risk to get you to your financial goal faster.


Well, simply because you can potentially make hundreds of thousands of dollars more with the same initial investment.

Managing risk is not about how much money you are willing to lose as a percent of your investment like most people seem to think. It is about having a strong foundation so that your investments will grow while you are at peace with yourself no matter how bad the market is falling.

When I wanted to invest, the market had kept reaching all time highs every few days and there was an increasing risk of an imminent market crash. That is when I decided I needed to find a strategy that will allow me to invest in the stock market but not be the bag holder that invests at the top of the market and must wait for the market to recover several years later. I spent weeks analyzing data and came up with an optimize strategy that will allow me to invest and make gains even if the market was to crash the next day. I finally had the strategy ready and I invested in November of 2015, during this time the stock market was heading towards a new all time high. Soon after investing however, in January of 2016 (just 2 months after I invested) the market seemed to be heading for a "2008 market crash" again. News analysts were talking about the same concerns you hear today, debt is too high, student loan is about to explode, people are no longer able to afford their mortgages etc. The stock market began to tank quickly and it seemed like I had invested at the worst possible time.

The reality is within 5 months the markets had bottomed and has even reached new all-time highs again. If it wasn't for the Risk Management Strategy, it would have been very hard to hold onto the investments without selling at a loss like many investors have done. Even better, by the time the markets have gone back up to their pre-crash level, my investments had grown by tens of thousands of dollars.

Meet your Instructor

Aware of the potential in the stock market, I began investing in 2015. With my analytical skills I developed an investment strategy that would outperform the market and minimize risk.

Soon after investing I witnessed a major market crash where most people around me panic sold everything. I followed my strategy and within a few months the market returned to normal and I had gained more than an additional full year of typical investment return while the market had gained 0%. Since then, I continued investing using my strategy providing me with great returns and a piece of mind.

In 2019 I began teaching my strategy to fellow investors and I have gotten amazing feedback! I have now started my online academy that will teach you everything you need to know to achieve your financial goal.

Ibrahim Levy

“It is impossible to produce superior performance unless you do something different from the majority”

John Templeton


Have you started investing in January 2006 (2 years before the great recession) with only $50,000 and contributed $300 biweekly you would end up today with $447,000 if you invested in a broad index (S&P 500) by simply buying and holding. However if you followed the strategy you would end up with more than $1,143,000! That is an additional $696,000!

Interactive teaching

Learn step by step how to take advantage of the strategy using visual presentation and concrete examples. In 2 hours learn how you can implement the strategy so you can start investing the same day.

Risk Management Tool

Included in this course the Risk Management Tool specifically applicable to the risk management strategy. Automatically calculates the strategy and the trigger values using your input and helps you keep track of all your investments accounts.

Let your money work for you!

Retire early and with more money. Do not wait until you are 65 y/o to enjoy life. Having greater return the other people will get you there.